Standard Three

Standard 3: Planning and Implementation
Physical education teacher candidate plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students.

3.1 Design and implement short and long term plans that are linked to program and instructional goals as well as a variety of students.
Artifact: EDU 255. Scope and Sequence
Date: Fall 2010


Throughout EDU 255 Basics of Effective Instruction in Physical Education I progressively learned how to create scope and sequence charts. During the last two labs I was expected to create a target lesson plan as well as scope and sequence charts. This artifact represents my progress towards becoming a physical education teacher because it is something I will do each and every day. This artifact shows that I am able to be reflective on my teaching, this is important in realizing what I can do better or how I can change lessons to better fit the students needs. This standard is important because I will constantly be creating and implementing lessons that are aligned with local, state, and national standards.

Click Here to view artifact 1, EDU 255 Scope and Sequence

3.3 Design and implement content that is aligned with lesson objectives.
3.6 Plan and implement progressive and sequential instruction that addresses the diverse needs of all students.
Artifact: EDU 255, Resource Packet
Date: Fall 2010


Throughout EDU 255 Basics of Effective Instruction in Physical Education I progressively learned how to create lesson plans and conduct an effective lesson. For Lab C I had to teach an International lesson and teach for a ten minute segment. I was expected to have a target lesson plan and successfully implement the lesson in front of my peers. This artifact represents my progress towards becoming a physical education teacher because it is something I will do each and every day. This artifact shows that I am able to be reflective on my teaching, this is important in realizing what I can do better or how I can change lessons to better fit the students needs. This standard is important because I will constantly be creating and implementing lessons that are aligned with local, state, and national standards.

Click Here to see Artifact 2, EDU 255 Resource Package